What Services are Available for Persons with Disabilities in Gulfport, MS?

Are you looking for disability benefit programs and relief in Gulfport, MS? If so, you're in luck! There are a variety of social service programs available to help you. The Mississippi Assistance Centers (MAC) provide a comprehensive source of reliable, objective, and unbiased information about a wide range of programs and services. They can help people understand and evaluate the various options available to them. At a MAC center, over the phone, in your home, or another convenient location if requested, you can access all of this information free of charge. The Mississippi Department of Employment Security (MDES) has cooperative agreements with other state agencies that deal with the welfare of disabled people to make the most of the services of each agency.

MDES is an equal opportunity employer and program, and they have aids and ancillary services available upon request for people with disabilities. The South Mississippi Planning and Development District (SMPDD) also serves older people, people with disabilities, their families and representatives, or anyone seeking help for long-term care. SMPDD is an equal opportunity employer as well, and they offer auxiliary aids and services upon request for people with disabilities.

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